Chance Me UNC Chapel Hill

Gender: Male
Race: White
In-State (but from Wake County)
Triple-Legacy and my brother currently attends UNC
Class Rank: 28 of 453
GPA: 4.375
SAT: 1380
AP Classes: (8 total not including my dual enrollments)
Human Geography, US History, Environmental Science, AP English 3(I always forget if it is called Language or Lit), Psychology, Biology, Statistics, Physics (also dual enrolled taking classes at Wake Tech Community College for Intro to Business and Intro to Management)
Eagle Scout, Varsity Cross Country/Captain (4yrs), Delta Waterfowl Youth Hunter Mentor (volunteering), Academy of Finance 10th Grade President, DECA Vice President, Student Council, Professional Internship at Vector Marketing, Varsity Tennis (4yrs), National Honor Society and National Technical Honor Society, Junior Marshal, Bronze and Gold Presidential Volunteer Service Award, Nominated for the Parks and Moorehead Scholarship and even made it to the top 10 canidates at my school for the scholarships (I was the only male to get interviewed for the Moorehead at my school).

You look solid to me, but being from Wake County is always a bit of a toss up. How does Naviance look for you?

I have not taken that I don’t know what that is.

If you are at a public school in NC, you should have access to Naviance. Maybe ask your guidance counselor? It isn’t something you take, just a tool that shows where kids from your school got in and with what GPAs and test scores. Fairly helpful.

oh okay i’ll check it thanks

Naviance is eye opening - my son is a solid “in” against all admitted students, and very much on the fence against historical data from his Mecklenburg County high school…

@HesNot - make sure when looking at Naviance that you are looking at the unweighted GPA (or take into account that some of the historical data is the old weighted GPA where honors got 1 point (now 0.5) and APs got 2 points (now 1). We are in Mecklenburg too and it scared me the first time I looked at the weighted. Now that last year’s seniors are included, it looks better.

I dont see my school on naviance or really get how to work the website. Any videos you suggest or good explanations?

@davisatwell Unfortunately, Wake county may not use Naviance. Usually our students access their Naviance accounts through NCEdCloud. Try logging into your NCEdcloud account, click on the Clever app icon and then the Naviance icon (if you see it), or when you’re in NCEdCloud look on the left for a naviance tab or see if there’s a Naviance icon on the homepage. If your school doesn’t use Naviance, you’ll need to ask your GC for your school’s acceptance history. Good luck!

@HesNot - Don’t just go by individual stats. Check out the total number of students who were accepted from his school the past three years- From my son’s school in Meck, the number of accepted students was between 75 and 80 all three years, even though the class size went up from under 500 to over 700 in that time period. What we figured, if the class rank was in the top 45-50 at the school, they were almost certain to get in. Outside that, was anyone’s guess. Good Luck!

@Essel wow, that seems like a lot from one school in Meck. Our school is also in Meck and I think the numbers are more like 60 (class of ~600)? I should get on Naviance again and look.

We are in Union and according to Naviance my son’s school had about 50 accepted for a class of of approx 400.