Chance Me | University of Virginia [VA resident, 3.83, 1520]


  • US Student
  • Location: Virginia
  • College: In state college (UVA)

Intended Major(s)
Planning to apply for the College of Arts and Sciences, and take business courses there.

GPA, Rank, and Test Scores

  • Unweighted HS GPA: 3.83/4.0
  • Weighted HS GPA (incl. weighting system): 4.37/5.0
  • Class Rank: 36/354
  • ACT/SAT Scores: SAT: 1520 (750 Reading & Writing, 770 Math)

Took AP Biology, AP World History, AP Computer Science A, AP Chemistry, AP Lang, AP Calculus BC, and APush in my sophomore and junior years. In my senior, I’m doing AP Gov, AP Econ, and Multivariable Calculus. Also doing a DE class worth college credits (laboratory technician course). Planning to do Physics DE and English 12 DE in 12th grade as well. Grades ranged from B+'s to A’s on all of the ones I did so far.

Not really sure about this section, and kinda worried about it on the common app section too, the only award I ever won were the AP Scholar ones.


  • Worked at a coding school where I taught code to young kids
  • Worked at a retail store
  • Worked in a christian foundation where we helped homeless people (gave out food packages, helped with their laundry)
  • Tutored for a bit for a nonprofit, not active anymore
  • Played varsity tennis
  • Getting hands on lab experience at a 4 day internship program this summer
  • Not sure if this counts, but I did some business courses myself online through Coursera and got certificates of completion.

Essays will be decently strong in my opinion, I have a great support team as well as a sibling in a top 20 university.

Cost Constraints / Budget
Cost isn’t a constraint in this instance. Parents willing to pay.

Final Info
I’m applying to UVA Early Decision. Thanks for reading and possibly dropping a chance!

Why are you worried a lot your ECs? They are fine if and only if you have tenure. So did you play tennis multiple seasons or work in a store more than a month ?

You’re a kid. You needn’t cure cancer.

Courses - shows initiative.

Sibling at top 20 - not sure how this helps you.

Maybe you can do a Macintosh Minor.

I think you have a decent chance - and a really good chance at the other excellent and renowned in state schools - W&M and Va Tech.

It’s a tough get but why not you ?? ED will help.

Hey thanks for the reply and the encouraging words

Just wanted to clarify some things.

Not worried about the EC’s, mainly about awards. I’m not really even sure how to fill beyond one space for it on the common app, as I didn’t win any to be honest.
I worked in the retail store since July 2022. Hope that shows commitment. I’ve been at the coding school since Jan 2022. And as for tennis, I played two seasons but I had some family issues (which I will definitely explain in the common app) which kept me out of playing this year (my junior year).

Yeah, I checked out W&M’s campus and really enjoyed it. Definitely will be trying to get into there.

My plan was to go into the school of Arts & Sciences and take business courses, including the prereq ones for the McIntre school of commerce. Then, I would apply for McIntre and (hopefully?) get in and then from there its one of the most renowned schools so I would be in a good spot.

It doesn’t a lot I’ll admit, maybe just an additional eye for the college essays but yeah nothing too big.

Do you have any world language classes, and are you from Nova or elsewhere in VA?

Hey, thanks for the reply.

I did three years of Spanish, starting from 7th grade. So basically, I reached the third level of Spanish (Spanish I in 7th, Spanish II in 8th, Spanish III in 9th).

And yeah, I’m from NOVA

Oh. Don’t worry about awards. Most don’t have or they’re meaningless.

What matters is what you’ve done. One doesn’t get an award for working or walking dogs at the shelter etc and the AP or Deans list - they’re not important. What’s important is what you do.

So don’t worry there.


Got it. I ask because we talked with a rep for the UVa Alumni Association when D22 applied, and through that we learned various things about how UVa looks at applications. Unfortunately, both of these particular issues I mentioned may cut against you - they prefer 4 years of language if possible (some schools may not offer that), and Nova is more competitive than other areas of the state. With that said, ED will be a slight boost, and they do pay careful attention to the essays and recommendations. I’d say it’s worth an application as a reach, but have some likely and match options ready to go.


If you want to study business, why UVA? Much smarter to go to a school where you can study business - not maybe study.


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Yeah, applying from NOVA definitely sucks I know the competition is extremely cutthroat here. I always thought of my chances as a little higher than a target but a little lower than a reach, because I’m EDing

Finance honestly comes into play here, in state is much better tuition wise than a lot of the business savvy schools I considered outside Virginia. It’s why I’m also applying to W & M and other Virginia schools to do business too.

Depends. You’d spend less at Alabama Culverhouse, which is strong. Tuition would be $4k or so.

You’d get a great deal at Darla Moore - U of SC - which is strong.

Miami of Ohio will give great merit.

FSU is a possibility with OOS waiver. Would be inexpensive. But it’s no sure thing.

Most importantly - you’d study business, counting on UVA is a big risk. Va Tech would be ‘smarter.’ What discipline of business ??

I get the brand name but I believe students should study what they want. It’s far more important than the brand name. I would not consider non direct admit. You have Va Tech, JMU, and other schools OOS that will be reasonable.

I think that you have a good chance of at being accepted ED to UVA’s arts and sciences college. @tsbna44 makes a good point, however: if you want to study business in college, why not consider a school where you would be assured to study business?

What type of business are you interested in (either studying in college and/or as a career)? What is the budget for college? There may well be schools that you haven’t investigated yet that will get you to the necessary price point that would still appeal to you.

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Hey thanks for your reply

I am a bit confused by this. What do you mean it’s not assured? Is it because I’m technically not guaranteed admission into McIntire?

Yes, that’s exactly it. I’m not as certain about how admissions are at McIntrye, but at UNC’s Flagler, for instance, I know that it is extremely competitive and that many top students don’t get in when they apply. (Flagler is another program where you apply once you’ve already started at the university.) If you’re certain you’d be happier at UVA not studying business than you would be at another school where you’re studying business, then your plan makes sense. But if you’d rather study business, I would look into schools where you’d have assured admittance or where there are straightforward requirements to enter the business major (i.e. if you meet a certain GPA threshold in the prereqs, then you’re in), rather than what where a holistic admissions process may leave you out in the cold.

Not technically - there’s roughly 60% chance - which isn’t great. Obviously tons choose to go to UVA and take the chance
but why. Then you end up studying Econ or something else and if you want a career in marketing, finance, etc. - well you’re a bit behind the curve.

McIntire is a solid school but so are Pamplin, Darla Moore, Culverhouse, Eller, Farmer, Kelley, Smith and many more.

B.S. in Commerce Admissions Statistics - Experience McIntire (

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Stats are reasonably similar to my son’s who got in from Hampton Roads area EA. The challenge is you are being compared to other kids at your school
did you take the most rigorous schedule you could for your school and how did you do in those compared to others. Definitely watch Dean J’s saved IG lives as she answers lots of questions about what’s important. Also, LORs and essays are a major part of decision for UVA.


Even if everyone says you’re a slam dunk, in the end like all, you still need to have a balanced list so the chance me matter less. If you don’t get in, then you have other options. UVA is a reach for most anyone.

But when you ED you lock yourself in - and if you 100% want to study business - that’s a risk I wouldn’t feel worth it. But only you can decide if it is for you.

So you mentioned business and affordable - what else do you seek ? Size. Weather specific cost amount ? Distance from home ? Sports ?

Lots of great schools that may fill your need should UVA not happen. Or if you decide the McIntire risk is too great. The cool thing though is anyone can minor. But the minors are limited and not core functions of business.

Yes, @reachforthestars17 has a chance at UVA if doing ED but it is tough for even strong students. Many admits will be top 10% in their class with very strong EC’s. Good luck @reachforthestars17 !

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Hey thanks for your reply
McIntire has a 60% acceptance rate. Generally yeah, it is a harder acceptance though, that number is misleading. The average GPA of acceptances is pretty high as well as EC standards, so what you said is valid. Thanks for the advice, especially because not getting into McIntire means, well, I’m kinda left out in the cold like you said.

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Hey thanks for your reply,
In general, the kids in my school also challenge themselves academically. However, I think what I have that others don’t is the fact that I never took any “easy” AP classes unlike some people above me in class rank. What I mean by this, is that a lot of people above me in class rank took notoriously easy AP classes just for GPA boosts (AP CSP, APHug, APes, AP Psych) even though they are not remotely interested in the subject. However, most of my AP’s if not all of them were extremely challenging and I think the regional counselor will (hopefully?) recongnize this.

As for essays, no way for me to predict it now I guess.