Race: Asian Male
School of choice: UPenn CAS (econ)
SAT: 1450 (790 math/660 RW)
GPA: 4.45/5 W, 3.96/4 UW (rank not reported)
Course rigor: 7 dual enrollment, 4 aps, 17 honors (All As, one B+ in Calc)
Others from school: 0 applying , live in rural north carolina, don’t know anyone else applying
Interview: Went amazing, said to me that they hope Penn realizes I have a lot to give + followup. Said to stay in contact.
->Founder/President of a non-profit helping lower income for educational purposes (52 weeks yr/10 hrs a week) (12)
->Small business/owner, selling handmade goods via boutique online, sold 10,000+ items online, 90k revenue generated, 54k profits (52 weeks yr/10 hrs a week) (10,11,12)
→ Sneaker reseller-> 2.5k revenue to date (30 weeks yr/1 hr a week) (11,12)
->Local tutor, tutoring ESL students and elementary students (paid job)/ (50 weeks yr/5 hrs a week)(9,10,11,12)
->Teacher assistant intern for company, authored microeconomics articles (12 weeks yr/5 hrs a week) (12)
->Art volunteering (36 weeks yr/5 hrs a week) (9,10,11,12)
->Homeless shelter (20 weeks yr/2 hrs a week) (9,10,11,12)
->Latin Club (36 weeks yr/2 hrs a week) (9,10)
->Farmers Market (20 weeks yr/5 hrs a week) (12)
→ NHS member (36 weeks yr/1hr a week)(12)
Awards (generic)
→ Principal List
→ AP Scholar with honor
→ Honor Roll
→ Cum Laude NLE exam
Others (mentioned via resume)
→ 3rd dan certified blackbelt
→ Varsity golf for freshman year
LORS: I know my teachers would not screw me over. I think 8+/10.
Essays: I did pay editors to edit them from ivies. They aren’t bad 8+/10 and have been polished for months.
Additional comments: I know Penn is a reach for me, so all I can do is pray. Best of luck to everyone!