Chance Me: UT Austin - Sports Management, 3.6 UW, 33 ACT

S applying to UT - Fall 2024
GPA - unwt - 3.6/4
AP - 8
ACT -33
Out of state
Sports Management (Dept of Kinesiology and Health education)
Summer assistant tennis coach job
Fall of Senior yr- volunteering as team manager for High school girls’ team -
Summer Pre-college sports managment program
Online sports analytics program
Captain of school boys tennis team
Co-founded organization to raise funds for Title one schools in local school district and provided sports equipment, library books nd school supplies
Member of school chamber orchestra - viola player

Is this a public or high end private school.

If it’s a public school, little chance.

For private/high end schools, check with your counselors.

Best of luck.

it is a private school. Thank you for the advice.

Class rank?

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