Chance me: UW+ Honors + Business Direct

<p>White Male
Large Public School In-state
HS Class of 2010
3.97 GPA (4.0 Soph + Junior)</p>

<p>APs Taken (A's in all) Soph + Junior Years
World History
Physics B
Java A
Calc AB
US History </p>

<p>Aps Will take Senior year
Calc BC
Physics C
English IV</p>

<p>SAT: Predict only 2000-2100</p>

Varsity Sport 3 years
Registered business (Working on this)
DECA + competitions

<p>Hooks: First-Gen American and Bilingual
Essays will be very well written</p>

<p>I am mainly concerned w/ the Direct Admission to Foster Business.
I've learned they accept 500 to enroll 250 of all Frosh selecting this major(ap. 5000).</p>

<p>I’d say a great shot at it but remember you can always get in after Freshman year and do great too. Just plan your schedule with the assumption that you will be accepted along the way. BTW…I’m assuming you are near the top of the class rank too? Also, if you are basing your SAT on your PSAT score…I was able to bump mine 200 points with just a little study.</p>

<p>bump 10char</p>

<p>Sorry to sound like a jerk, but I hope you get/have a life somewhere in between your schoolwork. All the direct admits to Foster from my private school in Seattle have been very well rounded students that were social frontrunners (these kids were smart and quick on their feet. They had also perfected the social dynamics of conversation.)</p>