Chance me UW Madison?

Hi all, I applied for early action September 3rd. I have taken 5 AP (1 sophomore year, 4 last year) classes and am currently enrolled in 2 this year. I have a 3.4 unweighted gpa and a 28 on the ACT. I am my school’s DECA president and have competed at the district level all four years of highschool state level the past two and the international level last year. I have taken top 3 in my category at state. I am also i a 4 year varsity track runner and also played volleyball. I was an activie member in political debate club, key club, spanish club, a representative in my student council for 2 years and a vice presidnt for one year. I have been a part time sales associate/ assitant manager at a local prom and pagent store for the last year. I took over a month to write both of my essays and had them edited by my AP lit teacher. I also had two wonderful letters of rec from my AP psych teacher as well as my DECA advisor. I am also in state. I know my gpa and act are the lower so I’m just looming for an honest estimate of my shot at getting in. Thanks guys!

Your ACT is not low for in state. You have done so many extracurriculars activities , so I think you have a pretty good shot. I have a lot of friends that got in with G.P.A’s around 3.5 and I think it was because they are in staters. Best of luck!!!

@meghayes If you have fulfilled all, and exceeded some, of the course requirements for admission, then you probably have a good shot.


However, your gpa is low. Time is best spent on academics, then extracurriculars. Those who shine can handle both getting stellar grades and doing outside activities. You are expected to do well in rigorous classes. Be sure to have a backup choice.