Chance Me Virginia Tech

Hi, I am currently a junior residing in NoVa (Northern Virginia) and was hoping the community could chance me for Virginia Tech

SAT: 1500
GPA (Weighted): 3.8
Asian Male
Applying to College of Business

GPA is rather low (but it may be good in your schools case - makes it a tossup. If your GPA equates to top 12% of your graduating class then your probably good.

GPA is rather low (but it may be good in your schools case - makes it a tossup. If your GPA equates to top 12% of your graduating class then your probably good. Your school councilor can probably give you better idea of those accepted at VT historically with your GPA at school. Your SAT bumps you up some (where your probably competing with others that have 4.0 weighted GPAs)

School doesn’t do any type of ranking, they do not even track valedictorian.

Then your guidance is going to have to tell you GPA range that historically VT has accepted and realize you have a better chance then those that are equal in GPA because of your SAT score.

It’s hard to know about the weighted gpa, since some schools don’t inflate grades as much as others. Assuming they value your high SAT (and I hope they do!) you should be competitive.

I got in OOS for business (BIT) with a 3.8 and 1360.

congrats! Did you get in to start or off waitlist?