<p>Hi! I am a female sophomore right now at a public school, and I've applied to Westminster, St. George's, Taft, and Hotchkiss as a repeat sophomore for the 2012-2013 school year. St. George's is my top choice.
My classes are relatively challenging; Chemistry, AP World History, Honors English, Latin IV Honors, Algebra 2, and then Yearbook and Health/PE. My grades are in the B to A range; I have a B in AP World, and a B in Algebra 2, but the rest are As or A-s.
My grades when I was a freshman were all As.
My SSAT score is a 94 percentile. My PSAT score is a 193, which I think equates to a 1930.
For ECs, I've been playing soccer since age five, play competitive travel/club soccer. I was on the JV team at my high school last year. I've played tennis for eight years, I play at my high school, and I do tournaments and private lessons. I am interested in squash.. I also love to paint, I take lessons and I do my own work for pleasure. I am a part of a soccer mentorship program for 6-7 year olds, and I volunteer to be a reading buddy at the local library for little kids.
I worked really hard on my applications, and I thought they looked very good. My interviews went really well, especially at Westminster and St. George's.
Chances at those schools? THANKS!</p>
<p>I think you have a good chance. If you have some nice art samples share a portfolio. Having said that I know some students with ssat’s in the mid 90’s who were wait listed at Taft. From my experience Taft is more into legacy and not all that interested in diversity. I don’t know much about Westminster or st. George. We had a great experience at hotchkiss and would highly recommend it.</p>
<p>thanks so much!</p>
<p>Did you get in?</p>
<p>Westminster is in Simsbury, CT, and academically, is pretty similar to Taft. It has a nice campus, and a few very good sports teams.</p>
<p>did you get accepted</p>