parents make $100,000+ per year
Highschool in Miami w/ 5-8 Ivy-bound seniors per year
Senior class of 900 students
3.7 unweighted
4.7-5.0 weighted
SAT Math- 720
SAT Reading 730
SAT Writing 780
Total 2230
ACT- 32
SAT2 Chem-720
UShistory- 660
Math2- havent taken it yet
11 AP classes, As or Bs/4s or 5s in all
15 Honors Classes
Student Council-11th
SC President-12th
Environmental engineering Competition- 9th (honorable mention), 10th (hm)
Environmental Debate- 10th
Varsity Soccer- 9th
JV volleyball- 9th, 10th (captain)
Varsity Volleyball- 11th (#3 in state), 12th (captain)
Thespian- 10th, 11th (state award), 12th
Improvisation- 10th, 11th, 12th (treasurer)
Summer 2010- 6 week Internship in Nephrology Laboratory
- 1 week drama camp teacher
Summer 2011- 4 weeks as an English teacher by myself in Nepal
Started yearly campaign to raise money for schools in Nepal.
Recs from my school's best counselor, an AP english teacher, and and school board member</p>
<p>Chance me please</p>