Chance me! Will Chance back immediately!

Hey guys, I am a transfer student with 38 credits with a 3.49 GPA. A- Calculus A- English 102 A- Macro Economics. I am in Phi Theta Kappa and have been on the Deans list consecutively. I applied to Pre engineering into the UW Madison. Do you think I will get in?

Look at the UW transfer web pages and you will see if you meet the requirements for transfer- that’s your answer. You figure it out using UW’s data like we would.

I do meet the requirements. My question is, do you think I will get in?

Duh- how would we know anymore than the web page’s answer???

It is not a guarantee, even though you have met the requirements. That is why I asked for an opinion.

Therefore your chances are not 100%. btw- how are you qualified to give others their chances if you can’t figure out your own???

Which is why I asked for an opinion.

It wouldn’t be a chance if I knew for certain that they would get in.

Well, first off, if accepted, only 24 of your credits are allowed to carry over:

Secondly, while UW Madison’s Common Data Set does not list accepted transfer student’s GPA’s, they do list the GPA of accepted freshman applicants. Ten percent of accepted freshman applicants have your GPA:

My guess is that UW Madison looks for transfer applicants who have similar or better College GPA’s. So, all things being equal, your chances are not going to be as good as a student who has a 3.75 GPA or better. Beyond that, it’s really anyone’s guess as how you will actually do in the applications process. Best of luck to you!

Look at the required transfer gpa- 3.0. NOT comparing to HS entering freshmen. Lower grades are the norm for college students compared to those achieved in HS.