<p>Year Entering College: 2011
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White
State of Residence: MA</p>
<p>Class Rank: Class Not Ranked
GPA: School does it very strangely (out of 4.4?) but in top 10%, and according to Naviance a match for Cornell, low match for Harvard (3.8ish/4.4)</p>
<p>SAT1: 780M/710CR/770W
SAT2: Bio-M 660 (Did not study, probably won't submit), Physics (expecting mid to high 700s), Math2 (expecting mid 700s to 800)</p>
<p>APs(School does not offer APs until Jr year and does not allow more than 1 jr year):
AP CompSci (expected 4 or 5)
AP Calc BC (next year)
AP Statistics (next year)
AP Bio(next year)</p>
<p>All honors/AP</p>
<p>Hopeful major: CompSci or IT</p>
<p>Took classes @Northeastern U over sophomore summer, received A- or higher in all courses (mostly web-design and programming classes)</p>
Harvard Model Congress Chapter (Member/Treasurer/President)
Harvard Model UN Chapter (President)
Violin (8 years in district orchestra, school award for musical achievement)
Guitar (6 years, 3 in district orchestra)
National Honor Society (general one) (random officer)
National Spanish Honor Society (member)
President's Gold Award for Community Service
President's Bronze Award for Community Service
150+ Hours volunteer work (Worked 100 hours at a Youth Center in inner-city Boston, started funding for their websites/video games for children)
Manage websites for clients/make websites as part time job
Taught @ a summer camp, teaching middle schoolers how to make websites
Worked at a Harvard lab part-time over the summer developing websites(neighbor is the manager of the lab :) )
Animation & Video Game Club (president, oh well :) )
STEM (Science, Tech, Engineering, And Math) Certification </p>
<p>Letters of rec: Going to get one from ex-BrownU teacher (current English teacher), ex-HarvardU researcher (physics teacher), and HarvardU professor that managed the lab...so probably quite good</p>
<p>Rate schools (in order from easy->hard imo):
uMass Amherst
uMaryland College Park
Worcester Polytech
Northeastern University
Lehigh University
Carnegie Mellon University (SCS)
WashU in St. Louis
Rice University
Harvey Mudd
Cornell University(CAS)
Harvard University(legacy)
<p>Thanks, will rate back =]</p>