chance me?

<p>I am currently a junior and I have a 3.8 GPA and I'm in the top 25% of my class.
I took a practice SAT today and scored a 1940.
This year I am in all AP and IB courses, except for math.
Next year I will be in all AP and IB courses.
I am pursuing the full IB diploma at my school.</p>

<p>I have over 100 hours of community service and I am in several clubs.
I am a member of the National Honors Society and the Spanish Honors Society.
I have played varsity soccer since my freshman year and I have participated in varsity cross country for the last two years.</p>

<p>I have attended two national young leaders conferences.
Recently I had an internship at a preschool for autistic children.
I will be in Spain for 3 weeks this summer.</p>

<p>Any ideas on my chances for VT?</p>

<p>Worry more about your GPA and SAT than your extra curriculars. What was your SAT breakdown? I don’t think VT cares much about the writing.</p>

<p>590 Math
640 Reading
690 Writing</p>

<p>I’ve also taken one SAT subject test (U.S. History) and i scored a 700.</p>

<p>Are you in-state? Your GPA is solid, but it sounds like it isn’t that competitive at your school. Is this weighted or unweighted? Depending on your major, I would re-take the SAT to get your math score above 600.</p>

<p>I’m highly considering double majoring in Spanish and English. But I realize I need to get that math score up…</p>

<p>Oh and I am instate.</p>

<p>What program will you travel w/to Spain?</p>

<p>You’re more than fine! I know kids that were worse than you in all respects by a lot and got into Virginia Tech. If you don’t get in, that’ll be a sad day. Don’t settle for less, I’m sure you could even get into some great other universities too. If Virginia Tech is where you really want to go, work on scholarships and what-not next year, because as far as admission goes, you have it in the bag.</p>

<p>Thanks! Tech is a great school, and I’m happy that my chances are pretty decent. And mamae57, I am going to spain through my high school’s exchange program. So I will be staying with a family for a few weeks this June and in August my family will host a Spanish student.</p>