Chance me!

<p>Hey so I'm thinking ucsd might be a pretty good match
I'm a white guy from the south bay and I'm top 9% of my class (my school is #5 public in california)
I have a 4.0/4.5 uc gpa, my ap courses r bio2, us history, physics b, Econ, gov, and Lang. Um I have ~250 service hours, varsity soccer, varsity lacrosse, club soccer captain, and I'm coaching a u8 boys soccer team. I'm in national honors society and am on track to being a valedictorian.
My sat score is 2110 (790m, 700w, 620r) I know my reading sucks haha :/
Umm yeah I think that's it! I wanna be a biology major too!</p>

<p>Any feedback is greatly appreciated!</p>

<p>you seem pretty safe.</p>

<p>You should get in pretty easily.
with your states, though, you should really be trying to branch out and look at privates in and out of state (if you aren’t already). Biology is a pretty crowded major =.</p>