<p>Hey so I'm thinking ucsd might be a pretty good match
I'm a white guy from the south bay and I'm top 9% of my class (my school is #5 public in california)
I have a 4.0/4.5 uc gpa, my ap courses r bio2, us history, physics b, Econ, gov, and Lang. Um I have ~250 service hours, varsity soccer, varsity lacrosse, club soccer captain, and I'm coaching a u8 boys soccer team. I'm in national honors society and am on track to being a valedictorian.
My sat score is 2110 (790m, 700w, 620r) I know my reading sucks haha :/
Umm yeah I think that's it! I wanna be a biology major too!</p>
<p>Any feedback is greatly appreciated!</p>