Chance me?

<p>Hello. I will be applying early action this fall
Can u guys chance me </p>

<p>Cumulative gpa 3.2
(note: I had some serious family and health issues that caused my gpa to plummet sophomore year)</p>

<p>Junior year gpa 3.6
2aps and 2 honor classes senior year </p>

<p>Sat-haven't taken yet but am inticipating very high score near 2300
Act- haven't taken yet but I am anticipating a very score near 35 </p>

Baseball </p>

<p>Peer ministry
Senior service committee
Prom life club
Key club
Among several others
Altar server
Church ensemble
church youth group</p>

<p>Pretty hard to even make a guess without anything to go on but your GPA. A few questions:
Are those gpa numbers weighted?
Any AP or honors classes in junior year?
What are you basing or anticipated high score on for SAT/ACT? PSAT maybe or practice tests?
Do you have any hooks (first gen college, any family members UM alum)?</p>

<p>What classes did and will you take AP and Honors?</p>

<p>@ZincWhiskers </p>

<p>The gpa number is unweighted
1 honor class junior year
im basing my anticipated high scores on scoring very high on practice test a great deal of hard work and preparation
and unfortunately no i have no hooks</p>

<p>and @surferbeach
AP BIO and AP Europian History
and PreCalc Honors and English Honors</p>

<p>Thank you both for you time</p>

<p>Do you know your rank in class? Or, decile rank? Have you or do you plan a visit to UM campus? Is UM your “dream” school, or one of many you are considering? What kind of major(s) are you thinking of?</p>

<p>I go to a semi-competitive private school in NJ so im only in the top 40%
i plan on visiting in August
UM is my top school on my list
as for major, there are really a broad area of studies that intrigue my interest…maybe political science for Pre-Law</p>

<p>We really can’t determine without knowing what your ACTUAL SAT/ACT scores are. If you get what you’re predicting, you may get in just on that, but your GPA certainly isn’t something to die for. A lot of your chances of getting in is riding on your SAT/ACT and that’s pretty rough… so if you totally want to get in, you need to strive for at least what you’ve predicted.</p>

Thank You for your response…i agree that there is a great deal riding on my SAT/ACT score…but i am confident because i scored very well on practice test and have been working hard for it…</p>

<p>do you think they will take into account my severe family issues that affected me sophmore year</p>