Chance me?

<p>I know you get a billion of these but I'm a typical teen and need to be snapped into reality some time or another.</p>

<p>My SAT is 1950 and my ACT is 29. My GPA is 3.53, but it does have a weird curve to it year wise, I had somewhat poor freshman and sophomore grades, but last years (junior) year was a 3.95.</p>

<p>I'm taking the ACT again to (hopefully) bring the score up. The 29 was my first time without any preparation, and I surprisingly didn't do horrible so I'll try it again now that I've studied.</p>

<p>My extracurriculars: Programmer in Robotics Club Sophomore-Senior year. I started my own application development company that has over a million downloads, and has generated actual income. I worked this past summer at a fairly large company in the city on a paid internship, where I worked on iPad applications. The CFO is writing one of my letters of recommendation, but considering I'm largely just a statistic to most colleges minds, not sure this matters.</p>

<p>My desired degree is Computer Science, and my transcript is very strong in this sense. All math / programming / CS classes are A's or A+'s, and my other letter of recommendation is coming from my AP Computer Science teacher.</p>

<p>I really do love the school, and would love to get in, but I understand its very competitive.</p>

<p>Junior year gpa makes a huge difference- keep up your grades. You get admitted to the university as a whole- ALL of your grades, not just in your intended major, count. It does not matter which major you state on your application for getting accepted- that helps in assigning your SOAR advisor.</p>