<p>Hi, I'm an eighth grader applying for ninth at various boarding schools. Lately I've been getting a little nervous about being accepted so it'd be great if others could tell me their honest opinions.
I'm applying for these schools:
Blair Academy
Possibly Kent and SPS</p>
All As on report cards throughout 6th and 7th. The marking period hasn't ended yet for 8th but so far I have all 95%+.</p>
Accelerated math, reading, LA
Taking an Enrichment/Gifted and Talented class</p>
My LA/Reading and Math teachers both like me so I think these will be good.</p>
Piano for eight years. My piano teacher just recently passed away. :(
Cello for four years - I am first cello in the school orchestra and the school's select orchestra and got a private teacher around May.
Soccer - I've been playing rec soccer since about second grade but I joined a travel team this past year.
Art - I've won several art competitions. This is one of my biggest passions.
Chinese - My mom is from China and I've been learning Mandarin for about 2 1/2 years.
Horseback riding - This is mostly just for fun but I love horses and have been riding for 2 or 3 years.</p>
I just took it and think I did pretty good (at least 90%ile) but I'm taking it again in December.</p>
<p>Thanks so much for your comments, they're greatly appreciated!</p>
<p>I hardly ever comment on “Chance Me” threads because I think they are pointless. But here goes…</p>
<p>Great stats and your cello skills/experience will be a good hook for any school looking to beef up that section of their orchestra. </p>
<p>That said, you are by your own disclosure at least half Asian and a girl…which I’ve been told is a VERY competitive applicant pool (I say this as the Asian father of a daughter who is currently at BS.) If you need FA, it’ll be even more competitive.</p>
<p>One last thought I offer is this: You are wise to have Kent and Blair on your list in addition to A&E. Be sure that you are just as excited to attend those schools as A&E. While it may be too late to add any schools to your mix, you may want to consider a an all-girls school like Emma Willard or Miss Porter’s to the list (if you are open to a single-sex school).</p>
<p>And there, I’ve gone a whole post without mentioning St. Andrew’s. Oh, whoops!</p>
<p>@SevenDad: Thank you! I am half Asian and am aware that the competition is very tough. Blair is actually my top choice and my horse riding friend goes to Kent and recommended it. I will definitely consider those two schools. Again, thanks!</p>
<p>I’m not applying for FA either, forgot to include that.</p>
<p>I just got my SSAT scores and I scored a 93%ile. Sorry for adding all these replies, I’m not sure if there’s a way to edit my original post.</p>
<p>Alison, I’m glad to hear that Blair is your top choice. It ended up being DC’s first choice as well after visiting, in a field of some outstanding schools which offered acceptances. DC is so happy to be there now.</p>
<p>Please do a search for my recent write-ups on the board about Blair, or PM/email me and I’ll be happy to share what I know. One thing I have been struck by is how often Blair is spoken of well by kids at other schools, even their arch-rival Peddie (yes laughalittle, your school Peddie is pretty terrific too
<p>Haha 24daffidodils, thanks for the compliment!</p>