Chance me?

<p>Hello. I Recently visited my brother (a current sophomore studying biochemistry at VT) over the weekend and toured the campus, I absolutely loved it. I stayed in his dorm ( West AJ) for 2 nights and everything about the visit was just amazing. I have decided that this is where I wanna go, so I'm going to apply early decision next year, I am a junior right right now.</p>

<p>However with me, and with most applicants, there are things going for me and things going against me. At the end of this year I will be sporting a 3.793 Weighted GPA and a 3.573 Unweighted. I will have a mix of A's and B's, majority of B+'s. I got a 1270 on the SAT's (640 Math and 630 CR) and I'm taking the ACT soon. I have a pretty challenging course load, in taking AP physics B and AP Lang this year, and next year I will be taking 5 AP's, comp sci, micro/macroeconomics, government, and Calc AB. </p>

<p>Things going for me: I am legacy because of my brother. I have shown interest in the school. I will be applying easy decision to the business school, so it's less competitive. I will write fantastic essays about how much I love the school and I will talk about my severe ADHD. I do many extra curricular activities, including: Marching band (3x leadership team), jazz band, jazz combo co creator, Model UN (WAMUNC delegate), FBLA, young republicans co treasurer, NHS, history honor society, and I have received the civic seal award.</p>

<p>Things going against me: I am from nova, the most competitive area to get in from. I'm white? Is that a disadvantage? And obviously my GPA is a bit below average for VT and my area, and my test scores are above average for VT but below average for my area. </p>

<p>So if u were reading my application for early decision, what would u do? Accept, defer, or deny? And if its defer or deny can you tell me why? Anything I can do besides get good grades or retake the SAT. Thank you very much!</p>

<p>I would accept you, however, if I was guessing what VT would do, I would say deferred ED. Why? I am only basing this on my own experience. Not from NOVA, same classes, UW GPA, applied US / Biology (neither "competitive) and legacy 3 generations. VT, like all colleges, is fickle in their admissions decisions so it can really go either way. We are only guessing. I understand your desire to go to VT. I was in the same situation. Go for it !</p>