Chance Me?

<p>My intended major is South Asian Studies, and then a Master in Library Science.
-GPA: 4.0 (Class rank: 1st)
-SAT: 1880 (will retake)
-Volunteer at Humane Society
-Tutor at Elementary School for Club de Lectura (Spanish Club)
-Cheer Captain
-Yearbook Editor
-Will have over 90 college credits at graduation (Running Start)
-Member of Phi Theta Kappa
-Part of Honors Program
I just got my SAT scores back yesterday and they were lower than I'd hoped, so now I'm extremely worried about my chances at my top schools. Should I even apply / visit? I am a HS Junior.</p>

<p>Your proposed major doesn’t matter- students are admitted to UW as a whole regardless of that.</p>

<p>Okay; thanks! @wis75</p>

<p>Your other stats seem up to par, so see if you can improve on standardized testing. If not, take the ACT. And yes, definitely apply/visit. It makes a difference to show interest and you will know if it fits you. It seems to me like there’s nothing else wrong with your application, just raise those scores. (heck, you’re currently the valedictorian of your class)</p>

<p>@shawnspencer Thanks! That’s nice to hear. I will definitely get on those test scores!</p>