Chance me?!

<p>Applying to Computer Science for these schools:</p>

<p>UMD - College Park
Univ of Michigan
Purdue University
Rutgers - New Brunswick
Univ Illinois - Urbana Champaign
Georgia Tech</p>

<p>SAT: 640 R, 640 M, 630 W
590 R, 700 M, 610 W
GPA: 4.0 UW, 4.3 W
SAT 2: Biology E - 750
Varsity Math Team - 1st place in county
Mu Alpha Theta
Volunteer at local hospital - 50 hours
Red Cross Club</p>

<p>State: MD</p>


<p>Sat score too low for UMich and UIUC. They would be reach. Purdue may be high match.</p>

<p>Iā€™d say you are a high match for Purdue. Low reach for NYU. You have great extracurriculars and GPA. nice job! Chance me back? <a href=ā€œā€>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;