<p>I am an out of state high school senior from Massachusetts
GPA: Unweighed 3.28 Weighted 3.33 (hoping to raise it to 3.4 by the end of the semester) and no class percentile
SAT: 1790 M:620 W:640 CR:530
Taking both AP Spanish and Biology this year and doing well (High B/Low A range)
My freshman and sophomore years weren't great, but I have had a steady improvement through Junior year into now with around a 3.8 GPA to end Junior year.
Extracurriculars: 4 years of Lacrosse, 2 years of XC, 2 years of track, Spanish Honor Society, Spanish Club, Upper Connectors (mentoring freshman), A World of Difference (Raising awareness for bullying), Chess club and VP of the Philosophy Club.
I know the odds are stacked against me but how much of a chance do I really have? Also, will raising my SAT score significantly improve my odds? Please help!!!</p>
<p>Your junior year gpa shows a huge improvement- that is important. Getting a B+/A- is not doing as well as many students taking AP classes. Study hard to show you can do well and a better SAT score will help as well. Regardless of whether or not you get accepted to UW you will improve your knowledge base and study skills for any college.</p>