Chance Me?

<p>Hi thanks for taking that time to look at one of the thousands of these threads.</p>

<p>So I would like to go to SUNY Geneseo but Im very boderline. Heres my resume.</p>

<p>In terms of class rank I am 9 out of 66 in my senior class in a small private school in New York.
My average is a 93 which transelates to a 3.8 or something like that Im not to sure.
I have taken the following APs
- Bio (Taking)
- English (Taking)
- US History (Passed AP exam)
- Also I would like to throw in that Im taking a college level English course as well if that matters.</p>

<p>I have also taken every single honors course that I possible could so its basically in every subject. I challanged myself alot in high school. Passed every single course as well with ease.</p>

<p>Heres comes my downfall and why I am worrying so much.
My SATS.....not where I want them</p>

<p>3 score - 1550
2 score - 1050</p>

<p>CR - 540 - 64th%
Math - 510 (F me) - 50th%
500 - Writing - 55% </p>

<p>Not so good for Geneseo Im aware of that. But I question how selective Geneseo really is because 76% of the people they accept do not enroll there yet there SATs scores are still factored in and those people 99% of the time have higher then average. They say the average there is like a 1270 but i doubt that Im guessing an 1170 for enrolled students. </p>

<p>My extracurriculars is where I feel im strong
- Varsity Hockey
- Varsity Soccer Leading scorer in the league and Captain
- President of the Chess team (dont laugh)
- International Club
- UNYTS Club
- Baseball for Sophomore Year I wasnt to good
- 100 community service hours
- National honors society
- Student ambassador
- Track (5 min mile aye)
- I work 2 jobs</p>

<p>So its not like im doing nothing with my time. Im not good at the SAT but that is not an excuse. Im more well-rounded and its tough for me to study when I have practice everyday. </p>


<p>I’m a freshman at geneseo right now and i can tell you that you have an excellent chance of getting in. I had higher SATs and more APs than you but much less impressive extracurrics, and i think they take those very seriously. If you write a good essay I have no doubt you will be accepted.</p>

<p>Based on what I know from my kids and their friends applying to Geneseo, your SAT scores will keep you out for fall 2015, however, they will accept a lot of applicants for January 2016 and you might end up in that group. Geneseo, like most state schools without a lot of admissions resources, give lots of weight to SAT/ACT and not to extracurriculars.</p>

<p>Thank you for your input! I hope I make it. </p>

<p>hey kyle</p>

<p>1090 not 1050 i dont know why i put that</p>

<p>my superscore is a </p>

<p>M - 550
CR - 540
W - 510 </p>

<p>If this means anything</p>

<p>OP, The published SATs for the school are supposed to reflect the SATs of those that submitted their deposits or those that intend to enroll not the scores of those accepted-unless stated. </p>