Hi, I’m a junior from NJ, GT is one of my favorite places and I would be happy if you could chance me 
Intended Major: Computer Engineering
SAT: 800 Math, 800 Reading, 750 Writing (2350 overall)
Weighted GPA: 4.7 out of 5.0
Unweighted GPA: 3.93 out of 4.0
Classes this year:
AP English
AP World History
AP Government & US Politics
Honors Pre Calc
Honors Bio
French 2
Classes Next Year:
AP Physics
AP Computer Science
AP Macroeconomics
AP Statistics
Honors Calc
Honors English
Honors French 3
Rank: School Does Not Rank 
Volunteer and Activities:
• National Honor Society
• Mu Alpha Theta
• Key Club
• Student Council
• Ambassador Club
• Science League
- Volunteered at a Hospice Center
- CMU summer program
- UMD summer program
- society of women in engineering
- RU summer program
- tutored
- took online college classes through Harvard and MIT
Please chance me and I’ll be happy to chance back !!!
Your stats are pretty similar to mine, and I got in Computer Engineering. Just make sure that you write a great essay, and, if possible, I would strongly recommend taking AP calculus.
@gecage952 thank you for your help !!
Georgia Tech got extremely hard to get into this past year. The EA acceptance rate dropped from 45% to 30% this year. So, RD is a reach for even the strongest applicants. Profile-wise, I think you look really competitive, but I saw a lot of people with really high stats who did not get in EA (in real life/on the CC decisions thread).
I know someone at my school who had a 4.0 unweighted, 2300+ SAT, NMS, etc, who got rejected EA. I also applied EA, and I got rejected with a 3.7 unweighted and a 34 ACT. However, my rejection was justified, considering how selective GIT’s standards became this year.
@QuiteAverage90 Georgia tech is my reach at this point … I only want to apply to see if I can get in or not cuz I heard their Computer Engineering program is amazing … I have other schools which are my top schools like Johns Hopkins of UNC Chapel Hill and Michigan… Hopefully I can get in one.
Thank you for ur help 
Definitely take AP calculus if you’re serious about applying. Over 96% of accepted applicants have taken AP calculus or some equivalent by the time they graduate high school. I would go so far as to describe not having AP calculus when applying to Tech as a deal breaker (unless of course you are a recruited athlete, which I suspect accounts for the 4% who have not taken AP calc).
Oh my bad, I didn’t see that you were a junior. I agree with @SomniumCrepitans about taking calculus. Not having an AP Calculus class will give GIT an automatic reason to reject you, because over 96% of those accepted took Calculus before they graduated. Also, you should apply EA in order to have the best possible chances.
@QuiteAverage90 does GT care about amount of AP’s I take ? Because I will be only taking 3 AP’s next year ( and AP Calc
I think you’ll be fine. You will be taking all weighted classes next year, and your course rigor is already very rigorous.
Haha I saw you here again
I got rejected by Georgia tech as well. It’s getting quite random here. I’m just gonna assume it’s overqualification. UNC CH is much tougher on international students yet they accepted me. Not sure if you have heard of this: Schools’ rankings are affected by their yield rate (the percentage of admitted students who actually enroll) the higher the yield rate, the higher the ranking. So if Georgia tech rejects applicants whom they think are not gonna come, they are technically improving their ranking
And I think this is also the reason why many schools care about your level of interests.
Also I have to admit that maybe Georgia tech thinks I’m really not a good fit for their school. My essay focused on community service, and I heard UNC likes community service. Maybe that’s what got me in. And maybe Georgia tech wants the chill engineering type. Who knows!
Again like I said in the earlier posts, make your dream an Ivy like Pricneton
it never hurts to try 
@QuiteAverage90 thank you so much !!! 
@prayforthebest ugh ur so sweet !! And haha I hope I get in one of my dream schools … For Ivy leagues idk which one to choose since I’m already thinking about Johns Hopkins