Chance me!

Help, I’m dying.

Massive Reaches: Columbia (My dream school), Cornell
Reaches: USC, Amherst, Duke
Match/Safety: ASU

School: Public, Arizona
Ethnicity: Asian
Gender: Male

UW GPA: 3.69 (This is my main weak area because I started focusing on my ECs and I got hospitalized during finals in my Junior year)

  • Rank: 38/720 (Around top 5%)
  • Downward Trend for Grades ;_;
  • Grade 9 GPA (Semester 1 and Semester 2): 3.714 and 4.000
  • Grade 10 GPA (Semester 1 and Semester 2): 3.833 and 3.5
  • Grade 11 GPA (Semester 1 and Semester 2): 3.333 and 3.5
  • Coursework: Hardest classes available (APs, Honors, etc.)

SAT Score (New): 1530

  • 800 Math
  • 730 Reading/Writing


  • NSLI-Y Scholarship to travel to China for 6 weeks sponsored by the State Department
  • Research for the Navy at Patrick Air Force Base
  • Founded an organization for saving perishable food in AZ, started chapters of my own organization at a bunch of schools around AZ and I am president of the chapter at my school.
  • Speech and Debate 4 years
    • Congress Captain
    • Impromptu Captain
    • Medium Sucess (Breaking at national tournaments to quarterfinals and semi-finals, TOC 3 years in a row)
  • Intern for Arizona Democratic Party
  • Regional Director for Unite 4 Health (Non-Profit NGO that builds hospitals in poorer areas)
  • NHS Member
  • 200 hours volunteering last year @ Phoenix Children’s Hospital

Application process:
I am a fairly strong writer, I have adults and counselors willing to help me. I am applying the ED to Columbia, and EA for USC. Chance me!

Just so you know, Amherst and Duke are harder to get into than Cornell. You have a chance at them, but bottom line - you need more schools on your list.

You have very impressive stats and I say you have a chance but I am sure you understand these schools are ultra competitive and turn away qualified applicants. I am glad you do actually have a safety and I would probably suggest one or two more. Are all these schools financial matches for you as well? A letter from your GC will probably help explain your hospitalization and the impact on your grades. Even though you say downward trend, your classes did get harder and if you were challenging yourself that will show through.