Chance Me

What are my chances for Computer Science at UCLA and EECS at UC Berkeley as a Transfer from a CCC?
Major: Electrical Engineering & Computer Science (Berkeley), Computer Science(UCLA)
GPA: 3.93
Major GPA: 4.0
Major Req: Will be completely done with english by the end of this summer, finishing the last physics course of the sequence in the fall. Math Done, required CS courses done.
Overall GPA will be at a 3.94 after fall semester is done.
IGETC: Will not be done by transfer time
Extracurriculars: Officer of the Math Club, Math Tutor, have completed many types of big projects on the side for school programs as well as competed in multiple hackathons, active member of the computer science club, received multiple scholarship awards for computer science and academic accomplishments, president’s honor roll.
What are my chances for both of those schools?
side note: UCLA is my dream school.

you should be a strong candidate for all of them but UCs can be finicky. Be sure to also TAG one that’s acceptable to you. Good luck