Chance Me?

Hi, I’m going to be a senior next year, I’d really appreciate if you would take the time to chance me!

4.45 UC GPA, 4.23UW, 3.97W
SAT: 780 Math, 650 English: 1430 total
ACT: 33 composite: 33 Reading, 32 Writing, 31 Math, 36 Science

SAT II: 700 Bio E/M
700 Math II(I plan on retaking that)
AP World: 4
AP Psychology: 5
AP Bio: 4
AP Calc BC: 5, AB subscore 4
Plan on taking during senior year: AP Macro, AP Physics C, AP Stats

College Classes:
CSCI40 & CSCI41(first year computer science courses): A in both
Plan on taking during senior year: CSCI26(Math for Comp Sci), CSCI40(Assembly), Math 6(Calc 3), Math 7(Linear Algebra)

~200 hours at local mosque, with youth leadership position
~50 hours local private school with helping with computers

Computer Science club officer: 9th, 10th. President 11th grade
Football: Freshman team for one year, JV for sophomore, Varsity last two years
Track & Field: 4 years shotput and discus

Intended major: Aerospace
Alternate: Biomedical


Thank you so much!

UCLA/UCB are always tough but you are within range for these schools. UCD and UCSD look like Match schools.

Best of luck.

Your UW GPA is higher than your weighted???

Oops, XD, I got them switched up!