Chance Me?

I just applied ED1 and was a little worried about my chances as I feel I am very below average compared to the rest of the student body.
Weighted GPA : 3.814 / 4.00
Class Rank : 52 / 320
ACT: 32
AP Classes: 5 ( US History, Gov, Lang, Stats, Chem)
I took one dual enrollment class last year and I am taking 5 this year.
Extracurriculars: I have volunteered at my local museum and a local park. I work at a coffee shop. I was in band for two years as well as marching band where we went to states. I write for my school’s newspaper. I am also a class representative for student government. I was a teacher’s aid for a middle school social studies class. I held an internship at a museum separate from the one I volunteered at. I am in national honors society as well.
I am a pretty good writer and so I am fairly confident that my essays are secure. I wrote about becoming politically engaged within my community that holds substantially different political views than my own and for the common app essay, I wrote about the challenges I faced and how I overcame them in relation to my internship that was intended for mainly college students. I’m pretty close with the teachers who wrote my recommendations and they seemed more than happy to write them.
I am an out of state applicant applying to Columbian as a Political Science major.

I think your stats are very much in-line with the average person that’s accepted to GW. I’d say your chances are good!