Chance me!!! :)

OOS California

GPA: 3.55 UW/ 3.65 W
ACT 30
No AP Test Taken Yet, Plan to take 3 this year
Taken AP Psych, Physics 1, & Lang
Taking AP Gov, AP MacroEcon, APES, and AP Lit this year

Avid youth group member
Founding member of a club that raised thousands for people in need
Grades upward and then downward trending, but going back up for this semester

I am on quarters system at one of the top public schools in California
This is one of the tops on my list, I EA’d the School of Business
Wish me luck!

not a guarantee by any stretch. GPA is below average, ACT maybe average there. EC’s don’t jump off the page. And it might be a strike against you that you didn’t take the AP tests for your previous AP classes.
Geographical diversity might help you. Write a strong supplemental essay convincing them that UW is your place and you are a good fit for them and you might get in.

I’m a current student at UW-Madison. Honestly it all depends on what stands out to the people reviewing applications. I had an aggressively average ACT score, and about a 3.8 GPA. However, my extra-curriculars were very strong as well as my essays. My cousin on the other hand had a 4.0 GPA and 30 ACT and was denied. So basically make sure that all elements of your application are very strong.