Chance Me!

<p>As a junior as a competitive, public New England high school, I was wondering how my chances may be:</p>

<p>Rank: 18/460
Gpa (slighly weighted): 4.28
SAT's: June of this year
SAT II: US His: not as good as hoped, most likely around 700
Honors w/ Distinction all Marking Quarters, each year</p>

<p>Senior Schedule:
AP English, AP World History, AP Gov, Chem (honors), Trig (honors), Concert Choir, French IV</p>

<p>EC"s (just a few)
National Honor Society
English Honor Society
French Honor Society
Math Honor Society
Model UN President & Chair (junior & senior year)
-Several Best Delegate Awards @ college conferences
-Several Outstanding Delegate Awards
Student Council
Student Voice - Vice President; began school-wide recycling program
SADD, Peer Outreach
Five Theater Performances
Varsity Field Hockey, three years
-State Semifinalists
-Olympic Skills Delvopment Program</p>

-Outstanding New England Teen - next step magazine
-Inducted in the Young Woman's Hall of Fame by the regional YWCA
-Model UN Awards</p>

<p>-I will be applying to the school for International Relations in fall of 2008, any suggestions on how to improve my chances would be great!</p>

<p>great chance if u take more than 1 SAT IIs and ur SAT score is above 2000</p>

<p>I took 5 APs before my senior year and 4 SATIIs because i knew i would screw up my SAT (best:1990)</p>

<p>I hope to break 2000, although I have a problem SAT II wise, since there is only two testing dates between now and the ED/EA deadline (nov. 1), which means those will be just for the SAT/retake...</p>

<p>The thing is, I'm pretty sure thaty NYU requires two SAT IIs. They say on their website that they'll still consider you if you don't have them, but I'm not sure if that's only for this year as this was the first year they were requiring them. Take the SAT in june and see what you get. If it's not bad, take another SATII. I would say only retake it if you really think it's going to screw you, as everything else looks good</p>

<p>yes, they do require 2 IIs. So make sure to take them. BTW what does slightly weighted mean?</p>

<p>now i definitely wished I had planned out my testing dates, I don't really have the chance to fit in the rest of the SAT II's</p>

<p>^By slightly weighed I meant that our school doesnt do a full weighed scale for AP's and things like that, its just a few of the honors courses so it doesnt really inflate the gpa too high</p>

<p>You still have a chance to do the SATIIs. Just don't plan on retaking the SATs, so really prepare for them in June. Or apply RD. Providing you test well, your stats look like they're probably strong enough to fairly easily get you in RD.</p>

<p>sounds there anything else i could work on to better my chances?</p>

<p>well u can take an SAT II in november and the scores will still reach NYU on time - before the decisions are out. Don't take the SAT too many times. Just study in the summer and take it in october. In November take French, English and/ or Math, since you're in the French, English and Math Honor Societies. French was really easy. I got 750 w/o even studying and math I doesn't have a good curve. you lose lots of points for just one problem.
Just make sure to call NYU often during the time when you get your SAT scores! make sure they'll receive them!</p>

<p>Does NYU take ACTs or only SATs??</p>

<p>both. so yeah, act and sat is not a huge component compare to others. i really think you need to have an exceptional gpa and hardcore classes.</p>