<p>Im about to submit my app, what do you guys think of my actual chances for JHU?</p>
major in economics</p>
<p>Freshman year
Spanish I Hon-A
English I Hon-A
Algebra I Hon-B
Crit Think Hon-A
Spanish 2 Hon-A
Health -A</p>
<p>Sophmore year
AP World History,-A (3 on Ap test-i know sucks)
Ap Biology-A(3 again-i had a really bad fever and missed like the last two weeks of school so this was expected)
Spanish 3 Honors-A
Geometry Honors,-B
English 2 Honors -B
Drafting 2. -A</p>
<p>Junior Year (so far/ projected)
AP Chemistry-C/C (2)----------i hate chemistry
AP English Comp -A/B (4)
AP American History -A/A (4)
AP Government (TOOk ONLINE)-B (4)
Spanish IV Honors -A
Algebra II Honors(TOOK ONLINE)-B/B
Latin I (TOOK ONLINE)-A</p>
<p>Senior Year Schedule
Ap MacroEconomics ONLINE
Ap English Lit
Ap Statists
Ap Psycology
Ap Physics
Debate 1
My midyear grades will be all A's and one B(math)
W.GPA 4.9
UW GPA 3.65
Class Rank= 19/487, top 4%</p>
<p>ECs(by the end of high school)
4 years of Track (Captain Jr and Sr years, 3 varsity letters, 3 school records, made the state championships, all that good stuff)</p>
<p>3 years varisty Cross Country (Captain Jr and Senior year) , qualified for the state championships, named MVP for my senior year</p>
<p>2 years of being a Cross Country mentor to a local Middle School team (set up races, practices, etc.)</p>
<p>Finished 4th in my age group in the Naples Half Marathon (1:31:00)
Running 2008 Naples Half Marathon this december...
Founder of high school running club (VP Junior year, President Senior year)</p>
<p>2 years of jv/v school soccer
Competed in Spanish Mens Socceer league inbetween seasons
volunteer coach/CIT at county youth sportscamp
City basketball runner ups sophmore year
coached a youth basketball county team
Job at Country Club (18 hours a week)
Teen Court Volunteer
Mock Trial
189 hours of community service
3 years of FCA
2 years of NHS
2 years of History Honors Society</p>
<p>National Honor Roll
AP scholar with honor
Canidate for Lauerate Diploma (3 APs in 3 different subjects, 3.0 gpa, and you have to write a 5000 essay and present it to a panel)
11 AP classes by the end of graduation
Have taken 4 Online classes (2 AP)</p>
<p>I have been writing my essays for the better part of four months and i am confident that they are the best part of my application. If you'd like to read them, PM me. My recs are all great too...</p>