chance me

<p>I am a senior and was wondering what my chances are of getting into the colleges I am interested in. I live in Massachusetts, so I am out of state for 7 of the 9 colleges if that makes a difference</p>

<p>University of Arizona
University of Florida
Florida State
University of New Orleans
University of Massachusetts-Boston
Salem State
New Mexico State
University of Oregon
University of Washington</p>

<p>and my stats</p>

<p>3.8 GPA
4 years of English (2 honors)
4 years of Math (honors, up to Pre-Calculus)
4 years of Science (3 honors)
4 years of History (3 honors, 1 AP)
2 years of Spanish (1 honors)</p>


<p>550 Critical Reading
570 Math
590 Writing</p>


<p>National Honor Society
2 years of track
2 years of cross country</p>

<p>Probably not UF, You'd probably need closer to a 1300+ SAT, and many many more AP's and EC's. It's rare for Florida kids to get accepted with anything less than that. </p>

<p>Your GPA is good though so FSU is a possibility as long as you raise your test scores and have good recs and essays. </p>

<p>I'm not sure about the rest of the schools.</p>

<p>The 2008 Fall SAT for FSU is now around 1265. You need to retake the SAT and raise your scores. If your GPA is a 3.8 UNweighted, with rigorous classes, you have a chance. Summer admission at FSU is easier (assuming such is still offered).</p>

<p>U of Florida-Reach
FSU-low reach
U Wash- reach
The other schools i really don’t know enough about to chance you, sorry.
Try gettin the SAT’s up cuz that GPA is great. Good Luck!</p>

<p>You have a very good chance at most of them EXCEPT for UF, FSU, and UW. Those 3 will be considered reaches but still reachable if you get higher tests scores.</p>