chance me??

<p>Public nationally accredited competitive high school</p>

<p>Asian female</p>

<p>3.42 gpa uw
4.25 gpa w
top 25%</p>

<p>2140 SAT score</p>

<p>will have taken 7 APs
three "4"s and one "5" on AP exams taken</p>

<p>good ECs, editor of literary magazine, big on arts, leader of amnesty international</p>

<p>great essays</p>

<p>good (not great) rec letters</p>

<p>Instate or out of state?</p>

<p>in state…
i’ll chance back</p>

<p>Ehhhh…it’s hard to say…you have a hard schedule, some decent EC’s, and good test scores, however, your gpa/class rank isn’t great…I’d say you have a 50/50 shot.</p>

<p>Don’t worry about chancing me back. :-p</p>

<p>You have a good chance for in state</p>

<p>heard its impossible out of state but…</p>

<p>out of state/female/asian
top 3% country really competitive public school
don’t know class rank…top 15%?</p>

<p>ACT 31 composite (36E, 35M, 27R, 27S) 32 superscore (36E, 35M, 31R, 27S)
3.78 uw’ed, 4.3ish w’ed
strong ec’s: symphony, concert, marching, jazz bands, bible study, lots of community service (clubs, trips, hours in general etc) varsity track 4 years
6 aps, 9 honors, 4 years band, 4 years foreign lang taken
senior schedule: ap gov’t, ap bc calc, ap western lit, ap french 5
should be getting all a’s and a b in math this term.</p>