Chance me?

<p>hi, anyone wanna chance me? I'm a hispanic female from NY.
i applied ED 1
3.3 gpa, ap/honors courses since 9th grade, 670cr, 670m, 710cr on SATI, 650sat lit, 730 US history</p>

<p>all of my extracurriculars are from 9th grade on:
art class assistant
theater crew, 4 shows a year--stage manager, props master, business head
columnist for school paper
internships at the LGBTQ center and with a nonprofit theater company for poor kids who cant afford professional classes
photography magazine member</p>

<p>i interviewed and went on a trip sponsored by them for minority applicants
i have a rec from an alum whose art class i assist in, he also worked for the admissions department for a year. i also have recs from my USH teacher and AP Psych teacher</p>


<p>CHANCES??? *** are you kidding?

<p>ps i’m just kidding, JA
i know you’ll get in :)</p>