Chance me?

<p>Hey there. I'm going to thank you in advance for taking the time to chance me! If you chance me, I will try my hardest to chance you too - just post your link! :)</p>

- Georgetown (college)
- Northeastern U
- Lawrence U
- University of San Francisco</p>

- Oregon, white (not mentioned on apps), female, public shcool</p>

- SAT: 1950/2400 - 720 CR, 610 M<em>, 600 W</em>
- SAT II: World History 630, Biology M 650, US History ???
- ACT: 28 comp, 26 Eng, 31 Reading, 27 math and science, 10 writing sub score
- AP: Art hist (4), Bio (3), US Hist (3), Enlgish lang (4), Euro (2, took as soph.) + Calc AB & Econ
- College Credit: Yes. By the time I graduate I will have 7 credits from my local college - 5 100 level classes (One A-, one B+/A-, other grades unknown so far), 1 200 level (grade unknown) and one 300 level (A-).
- Gov: My gov class is part of a competition in which my school is nationally ranked. It's also an EC.
- 3.8 GPA, unweighted. I would guess I'm ranked at about 90/380, but given that there are a lot of people at my school with 4.0's who've taken none of the AP's/college courses we offer, I wouldn't read too much into this.</p>

<li>English and Math grades throughout high school don't reflect these scores AT ALL.</li>

- My Gov class (see above, message me for more info), about 10 hours a week
- Mock Trials, about 6 hours a week, done Jr and Sr year
- Theatre, three productions total, ranging from 8-10 hrs/week. One production in 10th, two in 11th. I can give mroe detail, if you'd like.
- Volunteering at library in summer, idk, about 6 hrs a week for the summer, over the course of six years. I've lost count.
- I mentor freshmen (it's also a class)
- Bowling Team, frosh, can't remember the hours.</p>

<p>Letters, etc...
- Teachers - very good, i would imagine, thoguh i haven't seen them.
- Consleur - probably generic, but good/very good
- Essays: Pretty good, maybe a bit awkward in terms of my writting style</p>

<p>Other Info:
- I play the African Drums
- I've taken Salsa dancing lessons for a number of years
- Was published in a city wide literary magazine Frosh yr.</p>

<p>Sorry if I only talk about Georgetown, but its the only school I’m familiar with of the ones you’re applying to.</p>

<p>Your SAT scores hurt you, but they’re not that much of an obstacle. My friend got in EA with the exact same score, another was deferred with a higher score. I think your ECs are a bit limited but they’re unusual (mostly the gov thing, on review)- did you talk about them in your essays? It seems like they could be a benefit, especially if you can link them to your intended major.</p>

<p>I hope this helps a little- I know its a tad generic. I think you have a decent chance at Georgetown, and unfortunately I have no ideas about the others. Best of luck!</p>

<p>Excellent chances at Northeastern. Best of luck!</p>



<p>^ that is a 1930</p>

<p>you probably have a good chance at gtown. don’t know much about the other schools. your academics may be a little weak but you have good EC’s</p>