chance me!!

<p>I've submitted but am still so nervous.</p>

<p>-White female, California
-2/198 at a very competitive school
-GPA: 4.8 weighted 3.97 unweighted
-SAT: CR: 800 M: 790 W: 800 Essay: 12
Math II-780
US History-800

<p>AP Tests
Euro 5
Art history 5
US 5
Spanish Lang 5
English Lang 5
Stats 5
Bio 5
Chem 4
(National AP scholar at the end of junior year)
Taking 8 APs this year including Calc B/C, Physics, Spanish Lit, English Lit, Econ, Human Geography, Comparative history, US Government</p>

<p>WORK AND VOLUNTEER: Math tutor (5 hours/wk), volunteer work at local hospital (100+ hours), spent the past two summers on Mission projects in Africa</p>

CSF-4 years
Spanish National Honor Society-4 years
State level cross country-3 years
State level club softball-4 years (captain)
Class president for all 4 years
Debate-4 years (captain)
Put together amnesty international group at school
Leaders of America Program in D.C. last summer
Editor of the school paper this year
I've also taken numerous courses at UC Berkeley over the past 3 summers</p>

<p>Legacy: grandfather, both parents, and brother all graduated from Yale</p>

<p>Recs: VERY good</p>

<p>I’ve also gotten numerous awards for writing, debate, and other academics</p>

<p>I’m pretty good, right?</p>

<p>If you don’t get in, I’ll loss all remnants of my faith in the system.</p>

<p>Is this a joke?</p>

<p>No, you seem sincere, but if I wanted to write a satiric “will I get in” post, it would look like this. Your stats really couldn’t be any better… at first I thought if your essays were weak or if your app was outstandingly dull you might not get in, but since you’re a quadruple legacy I don’t think even that would keep you out.</p>

<p>…agree with serendipity.</p>

<p>AP Chem 4 !? Totally unacceptable
Recs are only very good? Yale only accepts excellent
Also, Legacy only counts if your family dates back to the originating class in the 1700’s</p>

<p>I don’t know… you just might get waitlisted…</p>

<p><<end sarcasm=“”>></end></p>