chance me :)

state: Washington
class of 2010
School: Top ranked High School in state

<p>gpa: 3.75 (school doesn't do weighted gpa)
rank: top 15%
sats: 2100
ACT: 32
class rigor: most difficult, will graduate with many AP/honors and 2 years of calculus</p>

summer program at santa clara university, local hospital volunteer (2 summers), national charity leage (6 years), cheer team (4 years, captain 2 years, state championship winner), yearbook editor, french club (4 years, treasurer sophmore, vice president this year), french honor society (4 years), national honor society (3 years), tutor somalian refugees, 3 mission trips with church</p>

<p>work experience: french tutor, babysit, dogsit</p>

<p>Yup, you're in.</p>

<p>definitely in with a scholarship.</p>