Chance Me?

<p>Hey, I'm a high school junior with a 2.75 uw gpa, with about a 3.6 w. I've taken every AP/IB course I could. I havent taken the SAT, the subject tests, or the ACT, but I'm confident I'll do very well. I'm in the IB program and as far as recomendations, extracurriculars and my essay looks fairly strong. I'm also qualified for Legacy admission since both of my parents went to UM and my dad currently works there. Its mostly my gpa that's keeping me down, not due to a lack of ability, but due to a lack of focus and high school itself, but I am hoping the rest of my application will help and I'm looking foward to Senior year as my best year (mostly As in AP.IB classes) Anyways how can I increase my chances in getting in. is it to late to do so?</p>

<p>well, that GPA is reaaalllly low, BUT, since you are a double legacy AND in the IB DP, I wouldn't count yourself out. I'd say like 40% chance. (it would really help if you aced the ACT/SAT)</p>