<p>GPA Unweighted: 3.00 <==== this is killing me
GPA Weighted: 3.417
Class Rank: No Rank, but graph indicates top 20% <===== so is this....
Rigorousness: Extremely Rigorous, all honors/ap's except 2 english courses
School: Top 20 school in Connecticut, sends about 12 students to ivy's
Race: southeast asian (korean) with permanent residence
Recommendation: 2 excellent recommendations
SAT: M(710) CR(670) WR(690) OVERALL: 2060 in one sitting
SAT Subject: Biology(620) Chemistry(670) Math2C(710)
AP Tests: Biology(2), Chemistry(2), US History(4)
Current AP Courses: Physics B, Computer Science A, Calculus BC, Economics M/m
Grade Trend: Rising, with very little tiny dip in junior year, but currently have all A+ in my course
EC: Volunteered at the Uconn Hospital, Farmington Red Cross, bunch of charities, math league, quiz bowl, environmental club</p>
<p>retaking SAT in october (studied my ass off), submitting chemistry and math, have all A+ so far and after the 1st quarter grades, it will be:
Unweighted GPA: 3.25
Weighted GPA: 3.73
Class rank: top15%
SAT: 2200 Overall
Subject tests: may retake chemistry and math2c</p>
<p>How are my chances?</p>
<p>I really don’t take chance threads seriously (just because one never knows what will happen in the admissions office). But I did want to say that the SAT IIs won’t be the thing that makes you or breaks you and I wouldn’t waste the money to retake them (Also you cant possibly do better on the math 2 as you are getting farther away from when you studied that material.) I’d say you have a pretty good chance with good essays to outweigh the questionable GPA.</p>
<p>well thanks for honest opinion. Tbh, I think most of us feel somewhat more “secure” when someone else gives an opinion based on facts and personal experiences :d</p>
<p>That was based on personal experience.
I came in with SAT II scores in Physics 600, Math2 720, Spanish 610, and World History 620. It appears that Biology would be your weakest but that is not the one you are considering retaking.
Not to mention, for UT admission subject tests are not required for admission (outside of engineering).
My point was just the tests are expensive. You have decent/above average scores. Thus, improving them by 20-30 points should not be the thing that changes you from acceptance/rejection. But if it would make you feel better, go ahead.</p>