Chance Me

<p>OOS- Atlanta, GA
White Male
Competitive high school/area
W GPA- 4.0
Class Rank- 22 / 415
Top 5%
5 APs, 9 Honor Classes
28 ACT
Interview went great!!
Tons of ECs, quality officer positions (Class President-2 years, Student Gov. VP- 2 years, Student Gov. Parliamentarian- 1 year, NHS VP- 1 year...)
Varsity Tennis- Captain & MVP 3 years, GA Boys State program
Tons of community service </p>

<p>Pretty good essay/answers and great high school recommendation
Have a pretty good Alumni letter of recommendation</p>

<p>Chances of getting in???</p>

<p>only weakness is that 28. I would say that you have a decent shot in spite of it.</p>

<p>i thought uva didn’t have any interviews</p>

<p>Yea they don’t. I just copied my “profile” from my Wake Forest post. And thanks nkidd23 for replying</p>

<p>well i think you have as good a shot as anyone…your ecs are pretty good and you have strong leadership positions. your test scores could be a little higher, but its not a deal breaker. good luck!</p>