chance my best friend for m&tsi

<p>okay what do you think are my best friend's chances on getting into the summer program at penn m&tsi? we are both probably are going to be applying.. he will be making his cc account soon as well haha.. i know they only take 60ish people but what do u think his chances are and if its worth applying.. thanks and thanks! sat; 670M, 540CR(:/), 650W... it was his first time.. hes deff takin it again... 680 sat 2 for math level 1... 96ish gpa.. top 20 percent at least.. very challeging coureload.. really wants 2 go!</p>

<p>sats are really low. shows your school and or course load is not very challenging at all.</p>

<p>yeah umm well that wasnt the question so if ur going to answer it dont bother posting on the thread… thanks.</p>

<p>What nahshimshimhaeyo is saying, is that he has a really low chance in getting in. He/she’s just stating the reason why. ^^</p>

<p>If your friend is going to take the SAT again, it’ll be better to post the stats then so we can see if the SAT scores meets Penn’s average SAT scores. 96ish GPA is pretty good. </p>

<p>What is your friend’s extracurricular activities? It’s a quite important factor in Penn. Which also includes the essay, and work experience.</p>

<p>lol okay but he knows his sats are low… but still wants to know if he has a chance! like how selective is the program and such… and he has really good ecs and work experience so the only thing kinda bringing him down is his sats… but its only a summer program so how selective can they be???</p>

<p>IIRC around 50 people are accepted. From everywhere. So it’s pretty damn selective</p>

<p>yeah but does anyone know how many people apply? and if he takes it in march would that be too late to send the scores to them? andd how can they expect like a full spectacular resume when weve only finished like half of our junior year…</p>

<p>its strange… the website only says you need to send in an official high school transcipt, sat scores if taken (photocopy of scoresheet… not even an official copy from college board), 2 teacher recs, and an essay… theres nothing about ec’s… i dont think… so how do they really decide who they take? or is it like not competitive a t all and everyone gets in? would those sat scores kill my friend? bumpppp thanks</p>