<p>hook: dad's alumni, went to grad skool for business, dad knows head of somethig forgot
worked as an intern at columbia, gettng recommendation from his mentor at columbia</p>
<p>the gpa is a definite downer, although the sat 1 score is decent. The biggest thing he has going for him is the legacy status and the fact that he is an intern at columbia. columbia likes to (generally) take care of their own, and if someone applies who is already in the system it gives them a huge boost. though with that gpa, i dunno…</p>
<p>Judging by that alone… 2.9, man. I don’t know. I’d have to say pretty unlikely. Legacy and connections probably aren’t as much of an advantage as they’re made out to be.</p>
<p>your friend does have good SAT scores as Scifikayaker mentioned…
I guess a really really really good essay could do the magic trick…
Best wishes!</p>
<p>yea not legacy…alumni lol but hes also gettin a recommendation from columbia basically wit that intern thing. so idk i seirously think hes gonna get in regardless of his gpa. hes naturally smart just lazy</p>