Chance my son?

<p>I have posted once before and mom2collegekids gave me great advice for my academically average son to improve his SAT score. He bought his SAT combined math/reading to 1000 and his ACT scored a 21. His high school GPA is only a 2.76, but it was only mid-junior year that he got ADD diagnosis and began medication. Grades improved dramatically and his “after-meds” GPA is 3.28. His guidance counselor is going to highlight that info when he sends the transcripts Wednesday mainly to outline that he is capable to handle college level work. Anyway… will he be accepted?</p>

<p>One of my daughter’s high school friends was accepted to Alabama this past year with a lower ACT and a lower GPA than what your son has. Based on Naviance for our high school, she’s not the only student with low stats who has been accepted. This girl was accepted into a special program (I forget the name of it) where you come in on a kind of probationary basis. You’re limited in the number of hours you can take (I think only 4 classes), you get extra help, etc. But her ACT was a couple points lower and her GPA was quite a bit lower. We’re OOS - I’m not sure if that makes a difference. </p>

<p>If he gets his app in ASAP, his chances for acceptance is very high. </p>

<p>congrats about the improvements!</p>

<p>find out if his transcript can include his first quarter grades…some transcripts don’t. </p>




<p>I believe his guidance counselor will include his first quarter grades on his transcript in order to highlight the point.
We are also OOS. We are from Maine. I don’t know if that will help since I can’t imagine too many students are from Maine.
Thanks again for your replies. We will cross our fingers.</p>

<p>I think it will help that he’s from Maine. :)</p>

<p>Since the app only takes 5 minutes, is he going to apply soon?</p>

<p>Have you visited?</p>

<p>Yes, he already completed the app and we were waiting on the ACT score to come in. Now the only thing left is for his guidance counselor to submit transcripts and then we wait. He is completing that part tomorrow. </p>

<p>He has visited several times. My husband’s family is from B’ham and they have attended an A day game, taken a campus tour, stadium tour, and I must mention attended the summer of 2012’s Nick Saban high school football camp. If you can’t tell yet , this has been his dream since he was a boy!! ROLL TIDE!!! </p>

<p>Good luck!! Let us know how it goes! Pay attention to any new tabs showing up on MyBama!</p>

<p>Just excited to announce that my son got accepted the Wed. before Thanksgiving. And then followed up with a great Iron Bowl win!
Fitting for the holiday!!! ROLL TIDE!!!</p>

<p>Congratulations and Welcome to your son and to your family as well!
Have him join the Facebook group to connect with his incoming classmates.</p>

<p>Best of luck!
Roll Tide!!</p>


<p>Roll tide…you must be so relieved!</p>

<p>Yes, very relieved and thank you for all of the helpful information.
Roll Tide.</p>