chance of admission

<p>hi, I'm entering my senior year and am curious of my chances of being admitted into uw - madison. Appreciate any feedback. (i honestly don't think i have that good of a chance :/ )</p>

GPA through Junior year: 3.4 (trend is significantly up, i had a horrible first 3 semesters. Now getting around 3.7 - 3.9 every semester. also mono did effect one of my semesters because i missed a ton of school work. )</p>

<p>ACT: 29 (1st time planning on retaking 30+ hopefully)
ACT Subscores: Math: 30, English: 29, Science:28, Reading: 28</p>

<p>Class rank: top 20%</p>

<p>Co-curriculars: 4-year football player, 1 year of wrestlling
Other stuff: football captain (making an assumption for my senior year), part of a leadership program for my high school, volunteer every year at the local sportsman's club, a volunteer coach for multiple youth football programs, microsoft certified in Word/Excel/PowerPoint, passed both of my Junior year AP tests (don't know if they look at that). also i am in-state not sure if that matters though.</p>

<p>Course rigor: 11 total honors/AP courses (5 honors, 6 AP) Four AP classes my senior year which i think is something that helps my applicancy.</p>

<p>honor roll/high honors all three years</p>

<p>That's basically it, nothing spectacular except a good ACT, especially if i raise it to 30+ when i retake it. I'm hoping they understand my grade trend and my high ACT as well as a very good Application essay explaining my low grades. What do you guys thinK?</p>

<p>The upward trend in grades matters- your good junior year is the most important. Worth your while to apply. Get good recommendations and write your best essays.</p>

<p>Improvement is the theme.</p>

<p>As Wis75 said, maintain an upward trend. Besides, nobody can predict your chances of getting in but yourself. You know what you are going to do. And if you want others to help foresee your chances let them see your essays and recommendation…lol :)</p>

<p>In that large 50-50 range. Rank is subpar. Rest is OK.</p>