Chance of Getting into Rice?

<p>Hey everybody, i'm applying to rice and I was just wondering on getting some opinions on getting into rice</p>

<p>My school's considered a the pretty competitive high school. It's ranked around 350 by newsweek</p>

<p>Unweighted GPA:4.0
Weighted GPA: 5.7 out of a 6.0 scale
Rank: 21/605</p>

<p>AP Scores:

<p>SAT: 2280
Math2Subject Test:770
SpanishSubject Test:740
Chemistry Subject Test :740</p>

<p>Senior Schedule
MusicHistory Honors
AP Environmental Science
EconomicsAP(1stsemester) Government AP(2nd Semester)
English 4 AP
Calculus BC
Spanish 5AP
Latin II </p>

<p>The part where I'm most worried. My EC's aren't that strong. Im not in an officer position or anthing.
Spanish National Honor Society 10th,11th,12th
Science National Honor Society-11th,12th. Im a chemistry 1 tutor
Red Cross- various activities like going to women's shelter, marathons
Around 300 total hours in community service
Outside of school, I play piano. I've entered in some competitions and have placed</p>

<p>And how much of a difference would applying early decision make?</p>

<p>Your chances are good because of your grades and your test scores.</p>

<p>Rice: High Match-Low Reach</p>