chance of getting into uc's? please help

<p>im a hs senior and im freaking out, please help me figure out my chances of getting into any uc's</p>

<p>my uc gpa: 4.11
sat I (kinda low) : 1780 combined
sat II : french w/ listening 710
aps: french - 5, lang - 3, currently taking gov and chem
honors (uc approved): honors us history 11th grade currently in 1 honors this year along with 2 aps</p>

u/w i got a 3.1 something sophomore year 1st semester
3.5 u/w second semester sophomore year
4.0 u/w first and second semester junior year</p>

<p>i speak french fluently and working knowledge of german
i have many after school activities ie cheer etc i volunteer at an animal shelter (i want to be a vet- im applying as animal science major or chem)
im a seal bearer (csf) for 4 semesters
im on the principals honor roll (3 semesters)
and i won an award in honors us history 11th grade placed 1 out of about 90 students
im a brown belt in karate</p>

<p>help me figure out my chances for the uc's</p>

<p>UCLA: high reach
UCB: high reach
UCSD: low reach/reach
UCD: low reach
UCSB: high match/low reach
UCI: high match/low reach
UCSC: match
UCR: low match
UCM: low match</p>