Chance of Getting Recinded From Princeton?

My oldest daughter(senior) was accepted to Princeton EA with straight As. For all her classes except BC calc she had maintained these grades, however in BC her 2nd semester average is currently at a D+. Homework doesn’t count and she’s had 2 tests so far(68 and 67). These tests have been on sequences and series which she hasn’t been able to grasp despite going to office hours and having a tutor. She has never struggled this much in a class and I am worried not being able to get these two topics could cost her Princeton. There are only 2 tests left in the year and no final.

Read your acceptance letter. It will state conditions.

You could always contact the admissions counselor to discuss a C vs D scenario.

Hopefully she is getting tutoring and pulls through.

She needs to talk to her teacher now about how to pull this up to a C at least. Both her teacher and principal do not want to jeapordize her admission. Maybe there is extra credit work she can do. I would never call the admissions office to highlight the issue.


We’ve asked for any extra credit opportunities and were shut down for fairness reasons. The next test is also on series so I’m not hopeful(hopefully doesn’t go worse)but the last is more cumulative which will hopefully be better(but they are all weighted the same). There are only 4 tests this semester and were 8 last semester which might make a difference(although both semesters count the same).

It’s not highlighting - the reality is if it’s a D the school will know and you should know the options up front. It may be major dependent.

Princeton wants the student - and they will lay out the scenarios - so that student can have a back up plan if needed.

It’s fine you disagree but I don’t think Princeton is making a decision to cut a kid based on a partial year grade scenario discussed on a phone call. I think only they can tell you the what if scenarios.

All that said, I would first read my acceptance letter for conditions.

And yes, getting to a C would make life easier.

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I am assuming that, if she is taking Calculus BC in high school, she has a STEM major (or a major where math is important) planned at Princeton. If she is struggling with the concepts of this course in high school, there is a possibility that a math/science oriented major at a place like Princeton is not the right situation for her.

Most entering students at Pton have had BC calculus, regardless of intended major.

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Closing. See updated thread