chance of vtech engineering?

<p>i am a junior right now from fairfax county virginia.
trying to get in for engineering
gpa unweighted: 3.7
gpa weighed: 4.1
class rank: school does not rank.
sat: 1800
All classes taken in high school were honors or ap except 1
AP: will have taken 7</p>

<p>varsity golf team 4 years
team 2nd in state junior year
individually 6th at AAA state tournament junior year.
tournament victories on plantations tour.</p>

<p>2 year track team member

<p>internship 2 summers at oakland goodwill(my aunt is high up there)</p>

<p>4 year participant in "the hypothermia project", getting homeless people off the streets in the winter</p>

<p>founder and president of software engineering club. we have made website and applications for iphone/mac/windows</p>

<p>vice president of the history honor society, physics club
member of nhs, spanish honor society </p>

<p>software developer for 2 years. learned/learning 7 languages on own.
2 apps on iphone app store.
golf applications developed for both windows and mac.
java applet developed for online use
will be taking it seminar senior year. hopefully i can get an internship</p>