Chance? or just not apply?..

<p>I changed schools recently;moved to different area actually. The classes are harder though and are on a 6.0 scale. Were not really expected to make all A's, but I made all A's at my old school (9th+10th grade) and had a 4.0 Unweighted, and 4.5 weighted, but coming here, i have a 3.563 unweighted and a 4.465 weighted. I also got a few B's and 1 C+ (but that was in a 6.0 class, so I still got a 4.0, and the teacher said I still did well for the transition between schools). Even though, with these stats, do I still have a chance if I wanted to apply to Columbia College RD?
SAT: 2030
Math II: 680 (Should I retake in Jan?)
Bio M: 600
biracial, lower class-ish
VP of 9th grade class
President of 10th grade class.
5 years of science olympiad, 3 awards.
3 years of SG/Community board.
Research project quality with a mentor.
National honor society
National Junior Classical League for 4 years. including competitions and events
helped out some with school's theatre club
redcross+kid's day camp+learning center volunteering: over 70 hours
various leadership summer voyage type things (2-3 of those)
plan to play a sport in the spring, my old school did NOT have sports because it was in the city-ish with limited land, hardly had a gym.
(I think I had two good recommendations)</p>

<p>Let's suppose I have medium-strong essays with good short answers.</p>

<p>Chance or no?</p>

<p>retake all sats, both 1 and 2. and to be honest im not sure that columbia will care about the school transiition. i mean i dont have experience in this matter but they get so many applicants that i imagine they dont care to analyze the specifics of every applicant’s specific circumstances of why their grades are low (except i suppose medical positions)</p>

<p>ah ok :/, yeah i retook the SATs and im waiting for my scores on christmas day, but i don’t really consider that “low” if it’s a 4.0 still, and neither does the school / teacher, but i’m not sure how that would translate to columbia unfortunately, even though our counselors try to explain.</p>

<p>I would apply</p>

<p>of course you should still apply. SAT’s aren’t the most important thing. Try to have good essays though</p>

<p>I’d redo the SAT 2s, at least Biology…</p>

<p>Ok, yeah I plan on retaking the SAT II’s, but since they don’t want specific ones (CC), if i took the Math II, and Lit, would they just look at those two and disregard the bio?</p>

<p>yeah i think they would</p>

<p>Does anyone think getting 750+ on lit and math II subjects would compensate for the averageish SAT I CR and math ???</p>

<p>Hmm…so I know this is months later, but as an update, I’m also doing a sport and did scientific research in a lab. </p>

<p>other random facts things that people on CC seem to care about:
race: African American (well mixed with things, but my dad is full african american)
income: low <45k (as of this year , increased from 30k, mom has new job)
messy divorce/7 diff school changes before 10th grade. (I talked about this some when saying how I had to learn some things on my own to compensate for my new schools).
Essay : was about what I want to do, how I define myself, and some interests/reasons for why i am who i am.</p>

<p>Sometimes i think i should’ve applied to seas though, not for better admit chance, but because both colleges have physics and math…</p>

<p>Also retook Math II, got 730*</p>

<p>Given your father’s race, you have a chance. And believe it or not, if you go to a crappy high school and are really low income, those will increase your chances. I think the Ivy League schools are really trying to diversify their high school and economic demographics. Go for it. Do emphasize the obstacles that you’ve had to overcome, especially on the academic side.</p>

<p>K, yeah i had a really really bad highschool for half of highschool, then i went to a crazy competitive one because i actually want to learn :P… ( that doesn’t even rank students because its so rigorous)…so I’m hoping my counselor kind of explained that. Thanks for your input.</p>

<p>Just to note, i did actually apply lol, waiting for decision in a week*</p>

<p>you should definitely apply</p>

<p>I know minorities from my school who got into Columbia with stats similar to yours, but then again they were all ED and my hs is a feeder school</p>

<p>You have a shot RD but don’t discard the ED option</p>

<p>lol I’m a senior in HS, i already applied RD, i wish I did ED…</p>

<p>haha opps I should have actually read the thread</p>