Chance Please !!!!!!!! THanks

GPA: w=3.75 (9-12);w=3.93(10-11)
SAT I : 1920
SAT II : Math IIC : 780
Chem :770
Physics : 720
US history : 670
AP Grades: Calc AB =5; Physics B=5; Chem =5
-Couple of math/physics awards
-over 250+ hours of volunteering @ public library
-started with a couple of friends 2 new clubs : Indian Student Association and Physics Club
Major: chemical engineering

<p>GPA / SAT1 are on the slow side</p>

<p>slight reach / match</p>

<p>slight reach… Low GPA compared to the average accepted.</p>

<p>Slight reach, SAT 2’s are the only stats above average so it’s not guaranteed.</p>

<p>high match / slight reach.</p>

<p>what does “slight reach” or “high match” suppose to mean?

<p>that we think your application stats make you a likely candidate for UCSD, but not entirely guaranteed.</p>

<p>Thanks guys =)
if u want me to chance any one of u
please feel free to PM me =)</p>

<p>just out of curiosity, how should we expect you to chance us if you’re not even in college yet? it’s not like you have a pool of admitted students on which to base your decision …</p>

<p>just out of curiosity, why should we trust your chances? </p>

<p>assuming you’re still in high school, it’s not like you have a huge pool of admitted students’ stats on which to base your judgment …</p>

<p>I have friends who I can ask if you guys need any help with chances. I can use the knowledge that I have gained from my friends to help you guys out</p>

<p>i think the majority of active users on this thread have already been through the admissions process, but thanks.</p>

<p>ok thanks anyway</p>

<p>i hope you get in</p>

<p>thanks proton=)</p>

<p>LOL astrina… the kid just wants to be helpful besides u don’t need chancing XD
UMMMM i oredi did u la one but for sd i think you have a good chance :smiley:
good luck =]</p>

<p>thanks for both =)

any1else wants to help me out ?</p>



<p>omai indeed</p>