chance please.. upenn wharton ed1 vs nyu stern ed2

<p>I am just curious to know what my chances are to be accepted into: UPENN Wharton ED1, and NYU Stern ED2</p>

<p>School: Private School in Princeton, NJ (Hun School) its a pretty well esteemed school i guess
SAT (superscore): 2370 (800 in math, 800 in writing, 770 in critical reading)
i still need to take subject tests
GPA: around a 3.6 to 3.7 (3.8 freshman and junior year.. sophomore year was rough my friend committed suicide, lost my grandfather, and my sister was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.. i dont know how colleges will view this) (everything at my school is unweighted, no weighted gpas.
course rigor: AP Calc AB and AP stat as a sophomore. This year as a junior i am taking AP Calc BC and AP Euro. Next year I will be taking AP Spanish, AP Art History, Multi-variable Calculus. I know it isnt like over the top but private schools arent the same as public schools when it comes to the rigor of ap classes. i got a 4 on ap calc ab last yr. my school doesnt offer ap econ but i have taken regular. and honors for my core non ap classes</p>

-I am an SAT and math tutor
-I have my own non profit organization. i started it by myself. it is a registered company and everything that helps artisans that are in poverty, with this i have tons and tons of community service hours. i go to small villages in different countries to make this possible. (its kind of a big deal i think)
-I have played varsity tennis at my school and was ranked in the top 30 in the state.. i am probably gonna get an award for this year from my coach.
-I played on the atlantic regional cricket team and we place 3rd in nationals. its kinda unique.</p>

<p>i will have strong essays. i have a lot to write about, and i am good writer.</p>

<p>haha this doesnt seem like too much compared to other kids on here.. but yeah that is what i have. im kinda banking on my SAT scores to take me far, and also the fact that i have my own company that helps the community showing my prowess in business</p>

<p>i am also wondering if i am just wasting time in applying ed1 to wharton.. will i probs get rejected? is it better for me to apply ed1 to nyu stern?? i guess what i am asking is will there be a significant difference in my chances of being accepted by stern if i apply ed1 or ed2</p>

<p>I know judging from the kids that have gotten to stern that I know (and I also know the hun schools kinda a big thing) that your almost a lock for stern but wharton might be a bit of a reach because its a crapshoot for everyone so hopefully that helps in making your decision!</p>

<p>so i guess if i am “lock” for stern… giving wharton a shot ed1 just see if i get lucky isnt that bad of an idea</p>

<p>bump anyone…</p>

<p>bumppp!!! please!!</p>

<p>You have way better stats than me and I was Rejected Wharton EDI accepted Stern EDII, so I would go with your strategy.</p>

<p>Apply ED to wharton first. With those stats you don’t need ED to get into Stern</p>

<p>i thought stern was extremely competitive to get into… i feel like you guys are underselling it. haha… but do i have like a legitimate shot at getting into wharton… do they accept kids like me at the most prestigious business school in the world?</p>

<p>bump bump bump</p>