Chance please

<p>SAT I:670 math 660 writing 570 critical reading(will take again since i'm only a junior)
SAT II:800 chinese
GPA: weighted 3.9 top 15 public high school in massachusets, tough classes honors, aps</p>

started my own company, found investors, patents, and the others, and prototype...
founder/president of the environmental club
founder/president of the business club
did a couple of fundrasisers for charity
debate club
Volunteering:like 200 hours senior center
10 hours library
3 time gold metal chinese speech contest
ja academy vice president
internship at law firm</p>

<p>Leadership:environmental club
business club
my own business
JA academy vice president</p>


<p>Everything looks good except for your SATs. Try to get reading up to 650 at LEAST and the other I’m sure you can get to 700+ with practice.</p>